



278 Whites Bridge Road Standish, ME 04084
Where Community Grows.
Where Community Grows.

We Are Community

Saint Joe’s is the place where student life and community life come together.

Saint Joseph's College of Maine Offers Catholic Apostolate Center Courses

Saint Joseph’s College of Maine has partnered with the Catholic Apostolate Center to offer continuing education units for those individuals who work in or support ministry. These asynchronous, non-credit courses facilitate online learning through video, discussion boards, and learning assessments.

2021-10-07T09:59:41-04:00February 6th, 2019|Categories: Press Room|Tags: , , |

Saint Joseph's College of Maine Announces Online BSN Tuition Rate for Eligible Maine Community College Students

Saint Joseph's College of Maine announced that it is offering discounted tuition rates for the online RN to BSN program to eligible Maine community college nursing graduates.

2021-10-07T09:59:42-04:00February 4th, 2019|Categories: Press Room|Tags: , , |

Leading in a World of Tension

The Montalvo Corporation promotes MBA leadership student Bryon Williams ’19 to director of sales & marketing By Emma Deans Montalvo CEO Robin Goodwin promoted Bryon Williams ’19 to director of sales and marketing in 2017 and said, “Bryon is highly committed to delivering excellence both internally and externally, directly benefiting our customers and his [...]

2021-10-07T09:59:49-04:00June 19th, 2018|Categories: Spring 2018|Tags: , , |

Journey Toward Leadership

How Janet Maguire’s MBA impacted her career and inspired her to give back. By Ann Swardlick Why would a career nurse in a leadership position decide to add the challenges of an online MBA program to her already over-committed work week? Ask Janet Maguire RN, BSN, MBA ’15. A nursing director with over 30 years of experience [...]

2021-10-07T10:05:31-04:00November 30th, 2016|Categories: Winter 2016-17|Tags: , , |

Carmina Chapp, Farming and Faith

When Carmina Chapp isn’t grading papers, she’s milking goats, collecting eggs, and planting seeds. Chapp, assistant director of online theology programs at Saint Joseph’s College, and her husband, Larry, own and operate the Dorothy Day Catholic Worker Farmin northeastern Pennsylvania. But Chapp’s endeavors in farming are for more than the milk, eggs, and vegetables—they are a [...]

2021-10-07T10:05:43-04:00February 1st, 2015|Categories: Winter 2015|Tags: , , |

Roy Mellon ’13, MATPT

Service All Around Originally from Saginaw, Michigan, Roy Mellon spent more than 20 years in the U.S. Air Force. Now retired and living in Korea for 11 years, he’s serving the U.S., the Catholic Church, and fellow believers in his new role as deacon. For Mellon, service has never meant so much. By Michaela Hotham [...]

2021-10-07T10:09:50-04:00May 1st, 2014|Categories: Spring 2014|Tags: , , |

Survey indicates high level of satisfaction for online students

More than 1,400 online students responded to a recent survey invitation extended by Brent Wooten, Director of Marketing for Saint Joseph’s College Online, and the results are in. And for Wooten, the results and level of participation all point to positive signs for the College. “Having more than 40 percent of our students respond to [...]

2021-10-07T10:09:55-04:00May 1st, 2013|Categories: Spring 2013|Tags: |

Perspective for Care

Phil DuBois is an award-winning long-term care administrator, and his years of experience in the field illustrate his credentials. But it was a tragic night in 2007 that gave him the firsthand experience of being an LTC patient that makes him the emphatic leader that he is today. Professionally, Phil DuBois had a noteworthy first [...]

2021-10-07T10:09:55-04:00May 1st, 2013|Categories: Spring 2013|Tags: , , |

Leader of the Pack

A natural-born teacher, Phil Castle ’11 has taken his leadership skills from a battlefield in the Middle East back to the States as an electronic medical records training professional. Philip Castle, 41, is one of Saint Joseph’s longest-attending students. Between a bachelor’s degree in education, which he completed in 2011, and the master’s degree in [...]

2021-10-07T10:09:55-04:00May 1st, 2013|Categories: Spring 2013|Tags: , , |