White - #FFFFFF
SJC Blue - #0246BE - this is the primary color which is used all over the place.
Light blue - #3175EC - Generally, this is used for link hovers.
Background Blue #1 - #DCE0EC
Background Blue #2 - #F6F7FA
Background Blue #3 (vibrant navy) - #061D6E
Text Black - #535353
Full Black - #000000 - this is used fairly rarely.
Note for the reskin: Gold is no longer part of the brand palette. Most gold elements will become the new SJC blue (#0246be).
Headings and Text
H1 - Title, 60px
Font size: 60px
Font weight: 600
Color: #0246be
Letter Spacing: normal
Note: Only include an H1 if there isn't a page header above the content. On most pages, the H1 should be added (and styled) automatically
H2 - Title, 44px
Font size: 44px
Font weight: 600
Color: #0246be
Letter Spacing: normal
H3 - Title, 36px
Font size: 36px
Font weight: 600
Color: #0246be
Letter Spacing: normal
H4 - Title, 24px
Font size: 24px
Font weight: 600
Color: #0246be
Letter Spacing: normal
H5 - Title, 24px
Font size: 24px
Font weight: 600
Font style: italics
Color: #535353
Letter Spacing: normal
H6 - TITLE HERE, 16px
Font size: 16px
Font weight: 600
Font style: all caps
Color: #0246be
Letter Spacing: normal
Body Copy, 16px
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque tristique, erat ac venenatis aliquet, velit ex efficitur sapien, et consequat risus ligula vel mauris. Nulla aliquet, purus et tempus placerat, sapien magna fringilla nunc, ut sagittis nulla diam at purus. Nulla convallis tortor vel est laoreet eleifend. In quis tellus vitae nibh maximus ullamcorper. Suspendisse at odio nec orci euismod porttitor. Aenean feugiat dui magna, id sollicitudin libero molestie a. Donec eu sapien pellentesque, tristique purus pharetra, sagittis nulla. Curabitur gravida volutpat neque at dictum. Maecenas mollis turpis leo. Nulla quam tellus, tincidunt at diam sit amet, aliquet pulvinar sem. Nulla quam urna, eleifend vel ligula ut, pellentesque condimentum turpis. Proin pretium tempor neque non tincidunt.
Font size: 16px
Font weight: 400
Color: #535353
Letter Spacing: normal
Line Height: 1.6em;
Links and Buttons
Links are SJC blue (#0246be) and have the light blue for hover (#3175ec)
Accordion Boxes
Tabbed Boxes
Use the icons within the avada builder blocks where possible. These are font-awesome (v5) icons if you're inserting icons elsewhere
Deadlines for Admissions | |
Early Action | Nov 15 |
Nursing Early Action | Feb 1 |
Regular | No Deadline |
Transfer | No Deadline |
Table header row is #0246be
Rest of the table is #535353
Row backgrounds should alternate between #DCE0EC and #F6F7Fa
Bulleted Lists
- Kayaking
- Canoeing
- Paddle Boarding
- Swimming
- Running Trails
- Fitness classes – over 20 free
- Classes every week