Thank you for tuning into last week’s video from President Dlugos. We were able to reach so many students, parents, faculty, and staff, as well as our wider community on Facebook and Instagram

Many of you reached out to let us know that these video updates about next semester are both exciting and reassuring. Thank you for your comments, questions, and suggestions. We will try to answer them all in the coming weeks. As our plans continue to take shape, we’ll continue to make sure you have the latest information.

This week, Chief Student Affairs Officer Matt Goodwin comes to us from Baggot Street to preview our approach to returning in August. He outlines some of the changes we’ll experience when students come back to campus, as well as the parts of Saint Joe’s that will never change. Matt is a familiar face to most students, and it’s pretty clear that he’s counting the days till you come back - or arrive for the first time!

Thanks again for watching. We’ll be back with another friendly SJC face next week, and even more news to report. In the meantime, we hope your summer is off to a great start.

Here are a few more things to know this week.


  • Reminder: on-campus classes will begin August 24th, with a staggered move-in over the preceding days.
  • Class of 2024: If you haven’t taken a look at our New Student Orientation page yet, there’s no time like the present. We’re excited to welcome you! 
  • In case you missed it, we’ve created three new themed communities to meet student interests in 2020-21 - pet-friendly, sustainable living, and quiet lifestyle.  Themed community living is open to any student at the College, and more information is available in our 2020-21 Housing Selection Guide on MySJC. 


  • The health center staff is taking the lead on defining PPE needs for the fall semester. This ongoing process will take every department on campus into account, and ensure that we have the supplies to keep our community safe.
  • We will announce a policy on face coverings in the next few weeks. Cloth masks have been shown to be one of the most effective ways to prevent transmission of COVID-19, and our guidelines on this important new part of everyday life will continue our themes of vibrancy, responsiveness, and trust.
  • Campus Safety and the Brand Studio are creating new signs around campus, to help guide the flow of people and reinforce social distancing measures in highly trafficked areas. We expect this signage to serve as helpful reminders that we are all in this together.

Summer at SJC

  • Plans are underway to determine the safest way to reopen Alfond Center. We are currently looking at a phased approach that will include the fitness center, basketball court, and pool facilities.