The dignity of human life is at the very core of Christian doctrine. Campus Ministry engages in several activities in support of this most basic human right, the right to life. These include advocating for legislation that protects life and sponsoring participants in the annual March for Life in Washington, D.C., as well as local activities that assist women facing a crisis pregnancy, including raising funds, obtaining infant care items, and other service for women’s shelters in the area. On campus, speakers and films are also scheduled from time to time.
Five Components of Pastoral Care
As set forth by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops in the Pastoral Plan fro Pro-Life Activities: A Campaign in Support of Life (2001), the social justice issue of "respecting life" is comprised of following five components of pastoral care:
- Pregnancy services
- Post-abortion healing and reconciliation
- Care for those who are chronically ill, disabled, or dying
- Care for prisoners, those on death row, and victims of violent crime
- Care for the elderly
The Mercy Center at Saint Joseph's College currently offers student service and leadership opportunities in three of these areas: pregnancy, abortion, and childcare, care for the disabled, and care for the elderly.
Respect Life Sunday
Please note, the first Sunday in October is Respect Life Sunday. If you are interested in getting involved, please contact Kathryn Cody, Director of the Mercy Center, by emailing
Throughout the year, any donations can be taken to the Mercy Center located across from the Healy Chapel.
Community Partners
- Beacon Hospice
- Bridges Foundation
- Choices Are For Everyone (CAFE)
- Hope House
- Maine Medical Center: Hospital Elder Life Program (HELP)
- Mother Seton House
- Strive
Other Resources
- Care for the Elderly is a Respect Life Issue
- Catholic Charities Maine: Family Life Institute
- Pastoral Plan for Pro-Life Activities: A Campaign in Support of Life
- United States Conference on Catholic Bishops