



278 Whites Bridge Road Standish, ME 04084
Where Community Grows.
Where Community Grows.

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Saint Joe’s is the place where student life and community life come together.

New Mascot Revealed at Commencement Ceremony at Saint Joseph’s College of Maine

On Saturday, May 11, 2019, the College surprised the thousands gathered for the 106th Commencement ceremony by revealing the new Monks mascot character who stepped into the faculty procession line. Saint Joseph’s is the only college or university in the United States, in any NCAA division, to have “Monks” as a mascot. The Monks mascot dates back to 1970, but the costumed figure has not been a presence on campus for many years. Graduates represented more than 40 states and seven countries.

2021-10-07T09:59:38-04:00May 11th, 2019|Categories: Press Room, Brightspace, Highlights|Tags: , , |

Katherine Squires Rogers Selected as Online Student Speaker at 2019 Saint Joseph’s College Commencement

Katherine Squires Rogers of Elizabeth City, North Carolina (previously of Scarborough, Maine) will speak at the 2019 Saint Joseph’s College Commencement as she accepts her MBA from the College's online program.

2021-10-07T09:59:39-04:00April 17th, 2019|Categories: Press Room, Brightspace, Highlights|Tags: , , |

National Endowment for the Humanities Grant Funds Sustainability Education at Saint Joseph’s College of Maine

The National Endowment for the Humanities $34,995 grant supports the “Education for Sustainability through the Humanities Project” which will develop and implement educational programming that helps formulate how to build sustainable human communities and solve global problems.

2021-10-07T09:59:39-04:00April 3rd, 2019|Categories: Press Room, Brightspace, Highlights|Tags: , |

Accelerate Your Degree With Summer Session

Saint Joseph’s College offers a variety of summer programs including accelerated hybrid (online/onsite) courses through which online students can experience our beautiful lakeside campus in Southern Maine! These offerings range from non-credit to undergraduate and graduate level. Looking to earn credits over the summer? Reserve your spot by April 30.

2021-10-07T09:59:39-04:00March 29th, 2019|Categories: Highlights, Brightspace|Tags: , , , , |

Saint Joseph's College Will Award Honorary Doctorate to Sister Karen Schneider RSM, MD, MPH

Sister Karen Schneider RSM, MD, MPH will receive an Honorary Doctorate of Humane Letters during the Saint Joseph’s College Commencement exercises on Saturday, May 11, 2019.

2021-10-07T09:59:39-04:00March 29th, 2019|Categories: Highlights, Brightspace, Press Room|Tags: , , |

Sarah Curtin of Strafford to Deliver Valedictorian Message at Saint Joseph’s College Commencement Exercises

Sarah Curtin ’19 will deliver the Valedictorian Message at Saint Joseph’s College’s 2019 Commencement Exercises on May 11th.

2021-10-07T09:59:40-04:00March 25th, 2019|Categories: Brightspace, Highlights, Press Room|Tags: , , |

Saint Joseph's College of Maine Commencement to Feature Award-Winning Global Healthcare Activist Donato J. Tramuto as Speaker and Honorary Degree Recipient

Saint Joseph’s College of Maine announces that Donato J. Tramuto, the CEO of Tivity health, Inc–a leading provider of fitness and nutrition health improvement programs–will speak at the 2019 Commencement on May 11th, as well as receive an honorary degree. Author of Life’s Bulldozer Moments: How Adversity Leads to Success in Life and Business (Hamilton Press), Tramuto is a recognized innovator and industry leader with more than 35 years of healthcare experience and a deep commitment to global healthcare access, patient outcomes, and digital solutions.

2021-10-07T09:59:40-04:00March 18th, 2019|Categories: Press Room, Brightspace, Highlights|Tags: , |

Divine Intervention: Two Sisters of Mercy, two stained glass windows, and a decision that changed everything

by Patricia Erikson The real estate agent took the Sisters to see the small stone chapel. The rest is history. For the Aztecs, it was the prophecy of an eagle, perched on a prickly pear cactus and devouring a snake. For Brigham Young and the Latter Day Saints, it was a [...]

2021-10-07T09:59:40-04:00March 8th, 2019|Categories: Highlights, Brightspace, Fall 2018, Magazine|Tags: , |