day 7 feed

Good morning, everyone,

Seven days, count 'em, seven, until the first day of class.  But, call me Abe Maslow, that's all fine and good counting down, but what am I going to have for lunch today?  When things get busy, it seems like being in the kitchen, or more specifically the eating part of being there, is all I can think about.  What's up next?

Breakfast, because it was beaten into me through a steady stream of Sesame Street, Corn Pops cereal, and Pop-Tarts in the 1980s and 90s, is (apparently) the most important meal of the day.  However, throw in intermittent fasting and all manner of green juices, and it can be super confusing.  The concepts of breakfast, and our periodic office obsession with Whole30, might bother our staff in particular, who are always a mix of excited and perplexed when I show up to the office once a month with fresh ones from Holy Donut or HiFi in Portland, throwing our diets and new year's commitments into a tailspin.  Except for Mary.  She's unshakeable.

I digress.

(I'm sorry.  It's Monday, and our Orientation Leaders showed up yesterday.  I was on campus yesterday under the tent speaking with two staff about the coming week, and I spied a few strolling across the lawn.  I'm a little amped up.)

I spoke with Shay Bell, who is fairly new to the College (she was one of those fantastic pandemic hires) earlier this summer about food service on campus this year.  Every week, the Food Services staff, both in Pearson's and Baggot St. Cafe, crank out between 8,000-9,000 meals.  Every. Week.  No big deal.

Here's Shay.....

Our food service team is committed to providing a safe, welcoming space for our SJC community’s return. Things may look and feel a bit different, but our commitment to excellence remains. Here is an overview of the changes we have put in effect to protect our community:

• Pearson’s meals will be served in reusable containers. Each student will receive a container upon their arrival to campus. They must turn in their container every time they visit Pearson’s and a new one will be given to them in the servery.

• Maximum capacity in the servery at Pearson’s is 10 at any given time.

• Pearson’s menu offerings for the fall semester are currently online. We encourage you to take a look and be prepared before arriving to help facilitate the process.

• We have extended our hours in Pearson’s until 8pm to reduce crowding as much as possible.

• No longer will we be closed between lunch and dinner, offerings will be available from open to close.

• Free coffee will be set up at various stations throughout Campus, please do not enter Pearson’s for the complimentary coffee.

• Seating in Pearson’s and Baggot will be limited to one person per table. We have added additional seating areas to include the old campus bookstore in Mercy Hall and multiple of outside areas. Please refer to the online map for exact locations and the seating capacity of each of them. Note that some dining areas are self-sanitizing areas.

• Face coverings are required while in all of our dining facilities. You may remove your mask if seated at a table while eating and drinking.

• Hand sanitizer stations will be placed at the entrance of all dining areas and the servery.

• Floor decals and signage designating where to stand, wait and pick up online food orders will help accommodate physical distancing.

• There will be a one-way flow to enter and exit that is clearly marked.

• Online orders for Pearson’s will need to be placed the day before. You will choose from three pick up times.


Okay, Monks - this is it, the last week before we begin.  I hope it's a good one for you.



Matt Goodwin is the Dean of Students at Saint Joseph’s College.

Along with a team of yes-to-whipped-cream-always Campus Life professionals in the areas of Student Engagement & Residential Living, Counseling Center, Health & Wellness Center, Campus Safety, and the Mercy Center, Campus Life supports students’ holistic personal development, learning, and empowerment in service to a global community.