Alumni Weekend Sunset

From a cruise on Casco Bay to cracking lobsters by the lakeshore to pouring a nostalgic cup of tea, over 200 alumni from as far away as Florida will gather in Standish this weekend (July 28-30) to enjoy three days of activities. “Alums representing seven decades will be coming,” said Rob Coppola, Director of Alumni and Development Services. “This weekend will be a great chance for alumni to see friends that they  haven’t seen for years and to discover some of the exciting changes on campus.” The weekend will kick off with the cruise, followed by stargazing at the observatory, and will finish with a jazz brunch. Many alumni will stay on campus in the dormitories, while others will stay in surrounding towns. See a full list of events here.

Register online. For more information, email or call 1-877-752-2586.

Alumni Weekend