Nancy Kristiansen will fit right in as the new program director for online graduate business programs. After all, she authored some of the first courses for the Leadership MBA program when it began in 2003 and has taught those courses online since then.
“I understand the Leadership MBA program really well,” she says. Kristiansen worked closely with program founder Dr. Greg Gull, who left this year for a teaching position. She will also supervise the newly launched M.S. in Accountancy program.
Kristiansen brings her background of more than 20 years in training and development for businesses, as well as in quality management systems. A business consultant in the New England region before her hire, she also holds a master’s degree in adult and organizational learning from Suffolk University.
“I’m proud and excited to be full time at Saint Joseph’s College,” she says. As a member of the program director team, she wants to contribute to the overall direction of online programs, especially those geared toward developing leaders who can navigate the challenges of today’s business problems. “The overarching goal in all business programs is developing leaders who are capable of critically thinking about the issues they face. That capability is essential to how business is conducted in any industry,” she notes.
“I’ve been proud to be part of the online faculty and now I have the honor to work with the entire team in helping me to develop the next chapter of business programs,” she says.