Strong communities know that each of us is more successful when all of us rise together. This idea animated Catherine McAuley’s lifetime of faith and service. It shapes the critical concerns of the Sisters of Mercy. And it lives on at Saint Joseph’s College of Maine - in every person, every day.
Today, your support can help our community rise to new heights.
Your gift to SJC elevates our ability to shape learners into leaders, add momentum to our mission, and grow as a welcoming and innovative community. You can help us continue to learn together, work together, and serve together. When we all rise together in support of our beloved College, we honor more than a century of excellence and unlock a transformative future.
Join us. Make a gift today.
Help this Community Rise
96% of Saint Joseph’s students receive need-based financial aid with the average financial aid package includes $31,119 in grants or scholarships.
50% of first generation students were among last year’s entering class. These students were the first in their families to attend a college or university for higher education.
33% of student “Monks” participate in one or more of our 21 varsity sports or 8 club sports. Donning the Monks royal blue and white teaches students lifelong lessons about commitment, teamwork, confidence, and what it means to represent an organization of mission and values.
12,856 of community service hours were performed by students this past year. 600 students participated in academic or community service through their courses; 200 have been engaged in co-curricular community service, and over half of them do more than 20 hours of community service per semester.
2,355 community participants joined 161 Silver Sneaker Classes. Another six virtual classes were added at the start of covid-19.