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Valerie Connor started her career as a speech therapist. She currently works full time at the Quad City Rehabilitation Institute providing acute inpatient rehab, but has also worked in long-term care and outpatient settings. Valerie started teaching online in 2007 and has enjoyed a focus in the legal and ethical aspects of healthcare administration, as well as development of health policy. Instructional video tutorials play a large role in her teaching method. Valerie enjoys spending time with her two adult children, traveling, and outdoor pursuits, including hiking, gardening, and bee-keeping.
- Certified Health Education Specialist
- American Speech and Hearing Association
Published materials
- Textbook: Ethics for Health Professionals; 2012; Jones and Bartlett
- Article: Student Centered Teaching Across the Gender Divide, The Paralegal Educator, Winter 2009
- Thesis: Eliciting Narratives in Language Disabled Children, 1998