Sister Patricia Flynn’s specialization is in ethics, both theoretical and applied. She teaches courses in the history of philosophy, bioethics, the moral self, and feminist philosophy. She is passionate about teaching and enjoys the “give and take” of class discussions. She believes that “considering the great ideas of the past can help us live more fully in the present world.”
Sister Flynn has taught full time at Saint Joseph's College for over 12 years. In addition to her years of teaching at the College, she has held administrative positions for the Roman Catholic Diocese of Portland and for the religious community of the Sisters of Mercy. She enjoys cooking, taking long walks, and reading murder mysteries.
"ESI and Health Care Reform: Reconsidering the Relationship Between Employment and Health Insurance," Business and Society Review 115 (3) 2010.
"Honesty and Intimacy in Kant's Duty of Friendship," International Philosophical Quarterly 47(4) 2007.
"Ethics in the Board Room: Contracts or Fiduciary Relationships?" Philosophy in the Contemporary World 10(1) 2003.
Early Career Scholar Prize in Practical and Professional Ethics (2011) presented by the Association for Practical and Professional Ethics.
Tier II Faculty Scholarship and Teaching Awards: 2004, 2008, 2010.