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Rebecca Brown, MSW, LCSW, is an Associate Professor of Social Work at Saint Joseph’s College. Before joining SJC, Professor Brown was in direct practice and worked primarily in the field of behavioral health and healthcare. Her experience includes extensive direct clinical practice and the oversight and management of clinical operations associated with multiple federal grant initiatives. Through Professor Brown’s work with federal grants focused on childhood exposure to violence and trauma, she collaborated with a vast network of colleagues and organizations from around the country working towards mitigating the impacts of childhood exposure to trauma. A highlight of this work included an invitation to the White House in 2016, under the Obama Administration, to launch a national media campaign and meet the former U.S. Attorney General, Eric Holder.
Rebecca’s academic and clinical areas of expertise are trauma informed care, childhood exposure to violence, traumatic stress in children and adolescents, integrated care, and the provision of evidence based trauma interventions. She has extensive experience providing training and consultation to other social workers across the State of Maine and the country in these areas.
National Child Traumatic Stress Network
Brown, R. and Hoffmann Frances, R. (2018). Principles of Trauma-Informed Therapy with Children and Adolescents in Osofsky, J. D. and Groves, B.M. (Eds.). Violence and Trauma in the Lives of Children: Types, Incidence, Psychology, and Treatment. Santa Barbara, CA: Praeger.
Groves, B., Berkman, M., Brown, R., and Reyes, E. (2014). “Children and domestic violence.” National Child Traumatic Stress Network. Available at:
National Child Traumatic Stress Network, Domestic Violence Collaborative Group (2010) [on behalf of Rebecca Brown, LCSW and Faye Luppi, JD]. “Domestic violence and children: Questions and answers for domestic violence project advocates.” Los Angeles, CA and Durham, NC: National Center for Child Traumatic Stress.
Puccia, E., Brown, R. S., Gwynne, P., Hirsh, A., Hoffmann-Frances, R., Morrison, E., and Redding, T. (2012). “Using community outreach and evidenced-based treatment to address domestic violence issues.” Social Work and Mental Health, 10:2, 104-126.
Pedogogical Methods
Certified Facilitator in the NCTSN’s Core Curriculum on Childhood Trauma- utilizing Problem Based Learning (PBL) approaches in social work education
Excursions/Trips with Students or for Academic Research
Ongoing research with Maine Medical Center on the impact of natural disaster on mental health in rural Nepal.
Past service learning experience studying the operation of social programming in refugee camps in rural Tanzania.
Pedogogical Methods
Certified Facilitator in the NCTSN's Core Curriculum on Childhood Trauma- utilizing Problem Based Learning (PBL) approaches in social work education
Excursions/Trips with Students or for Academic Research
Ongoing research with Maine Medical Center on the impact of natural disaster on mental health in rural Nepal.