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Fr. Louis J. Phillips is currently the pastor of Sebago Lakes Region Parishes of St. Anthony, Westbrook; St. Anne, Gorham; and Our Lady of Perpetual Help, Windham, Maine. Prior to this assignment, he served as Interim Superintendent of Catholic Schools, Diocese of Portland; pastor of St. Joseph’s Church in Ellsworth, parochial vicar of the three Catholic parishes of Auburn, and director of St. Paul Retreat Center in Augusta. He served as a member of the building committee for the new St. Dominic’s High School in the Lewiston-Auburn area. He is also a member of the Diocese of Portland school board and a member of the Diocesan continuing education for clergy committee.
Prior to his coming to Maine, he was assistant professor of education at the College of Notre Dame of Maryland. He has been a member of the education faculties at Iona College in New Rochelle, N.Y., and Franciscan University in Steubenville, Ohio. He has been a Catholic high school principal for four years (Bishop Eustace Preparatory School in Pennsauken, N.J.), and taught high school religion and social studies classes for the years.
Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem
National Catholic Educational Association
Catholic Diocese of Portland Presbyteral Council, Chair
Catholic Diocese of Portland College of Consulters